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Aart Roelofs

When you walk into KOP, you often immediately see Aart driving around on the forklift. He works in production and ensures that the warehouse looks immaculate. Prior to this role, Aart spent many years in the field service department at KOP. This is handy because when the field service team has questions, Aart has usually handled the materials at some point. They help each other out.

Aart lives in Apeldoorn, has a bunch of lovely grandchildren, and can often be found at his seasonal spot at the campground in Drenthe. In addition, he enjoys cycling and hiking with his wife.

‘At KOP, we work with a lot of reusable materials that need to be stored properly to maintain their quality.’

Did you know...

We can wake him for:

A nice apple pie!

Best holiday destination:


The ultimate day off:

Sleeping in at the campsite, enjoying a nice bike ride in the sun, and then grabbing a bite to eat somewhere.

Best number ever made

Actually, everything by Queen, but if he has to choose one song, it would still be "Bohemian Rhapsody."

KOPexpo - Mimaki - Fespa 2018 - Berlijn - Standbouwfotografie - #1853(lr)

Most memorable project

I've had the opportunity to work on many great projects at KOP. It's tough to have to choose just one. During the time I was still in the field, I really enjoyed working on booth projects like the one for Mimaki. What I find beautiful about these projects is that you spend several days building something, and then being able to see the entire result is wonderful.

Come meet us!

Are you curious about what we can do for you? Feel free to contact us!


Let's meet Let's meet!
Aart Roelofs