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Content Marketing

Rick Westenenk

Rick is a Content Marketer at KOP. He is a creative, visual storyteller and data analyst combined. This means he is not only responsible for creating stunning content, but also ensures that the content is distributed at the right time through the right channels and is findable. Together with his colleagues, he ensures that the knowledge, expertise, and possibilities of KOP are spread among the right target audience. 


"What makes working at KOP so enjoyable is that we do everything in-house and we do it together as a team. This way, you really get to experience the entire process from start to finish together."

Did you know...

Best holiday destination:

North Vietnam, the country is beautiful, the people are extremely kind and also work very hard.

Can't stand:

An empty toilet paper roll on top of the trash can

Beste show

The Wire, The Sopranos and Chernobyl.

His perfect day off:

"On a day off, I like going to the movies, sitting on a terrace, and I enjoy being busy with making things, such as creating new furniture.

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