Aardt Volkers | KOP
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Aardt Volkers

Together with his girlfriend Eva, cat Poekie (whose real name is Porsche), and five runner ducks, Aardt lives in Wapenveld. At KOP, he manages and oversees all the elements that are part of KOP's exhibition stands and interiors. From stickers to box letters (or routered letters), and from logos to full-color designs, Aardt unleashes his creativity and ensures that what happens on the screen becomes a reality. 

"When I first came for an interview at KOP, everything felt right from the start. This is mainly due to KOP's enthusiasm, the pursuit of a great result, and a clear vision."

Did you know...

Best holiday destination:

Somewhere I haven't been yet!

Favorite food:

A great homemade burger with absolutely everything on it.

This what his day off looks like:

On a day off, I enjoy having lunch and drinks on the terrace in a city I'm not very familiar with, and I wrap up the day with a barbecue at our place with friends!

Loves to listen to:

Music from the past: Funk, Soul, Jazz, and Hip-Hop.

Come meet us!

Are you curious about what we can do for you? Feel free to contact us!


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